Monday, September 7, 2009

I am being held hostage by a cat.

It was part of the move-in package, but now it's just too much for me. Bingo has targeted the two areas in the living room that we sit in-- the Couch and my office chair. But then again there is the top of the piano, the rug by the door, the lamp by the other door, the doorway to the bedrooms, and who knows where else. She craps and pees most places, but regurgitates on my chair. We have put our foot down on the cat- she goes, or I refuse to live here. We've decided on a compromise. We've exiled Bingo to the kitchen during the night, and when we are gone. We will see how that goes. Otherwise, she's out. I wish it were easier to just send her to another family home, but it's impossible because the family believes that Grandma's will to live is wrapped up in her cat. CAD's house is too dirty and hoard-ed to be a good option for the cat. It's not humane to the cat.

BUT the good news is J got a promotion and hopefully we'll have some paychecks soon that will let us move into a REAL house, that's clean and big and nice and doesn't have fleas in the couch, or a pissy cat that hates me (for no forseeable reason) or a broken kitchen. yeay!

Trust me, there will be an amazing dinner party when that happens! (probably in January or February)


Last night she stayed in the kitchen, and didn't crap on anything! yeay!

1 comment:

thursdaynext.21 said...

I realize that my sentence is awful. I do not put my foot down ON the cat, we have put our foot down on the ISSUE of the cat living here.