Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Things to Look UP For

A friend recently blogged about good news in her life, things to look forward to, and it made me realize that we all need to stop and take stock.

I was talking to my ex-stepfather on his birthday, who was having a really awful day (and on his 50th birthday!) and I said something that I used to say all the time. Is it cloudy today?

Seriously, is it cloudy today? If you don't know what is up in the sky, it means you have been so focused on looking down, or straight ahead, that you haven't stopped to look at the blue sky. There's two real reasons for pausing to look up.

1. Looking at the sky reminds us to dream, to look for shapes in the clouds, to look outside our present situations.
2. If you have been looking down at work or straining at a computer screen, you need the opposite stretch for your neck, to look up and back, or you'll get stiff.

So is it cloudy today?

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