Sunday, September 2, 2007


Those commercials are right, football is a disease.

I have a horrible view of what future Fall saturdays and sundays will be like. I don't like it. Of course, it's not terrible, and well--- we all know that in the end, I will 'help' him change. J stayed home from work and watched football ALL DAY. He would have done the same today, if he hadn't started to feel a bit, well, guilty(?) about not working on a weekend.

He was just this lump on the couch all day, and it was so painful for me to get him to fold laundry and make the bed (cause that takes him away from the tv) and do the dishes. We were cleaning up--- important saturday activity! I spent the rest of the afternoon trying to get those lame announcers voices out of my head while I tried to fucking finish my reading list!

One more damn revision and this better be accepted, to be sure!

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